Serviços de Segurança Electrónica

soluções IT

Oferecemos uma gama completa de serviços e implantação  de soluções de TI e sistemas de segurança electrónica coorporativa. Nosso objectivo e contribuir para uma efectiva segurança dos activos dos nossos clientes. Nossa equipe de especialistas se dedica a projetar e desenvolver sistemas personalizados que atendam às necessidades exclusivas de cada cliente. 

Soluções à medida das suas necessidades

Convergência e Segurança

Para Nossos Clientes

Alto desempenho das nossas infraestruturas

Mitigação de risco

Para projetos complexos

We Drive Potential tecnológico

Orientação e Suporte

To Clients

Pricing Plans

The Best Solutions for Our Clients


ChatBot Iniciante

Solução para Chatbot.

Aumente a taxa de resposta aos seus clientes com inteligência artificial. Agende uma demonstração grátis

Boas vindas aos seus clientes

Gerar mais leads

Selecione cleintes específicos

Resposta automática como problemas comuns

Suporte por chat ao vivo 24h 

- Sob proposta


Referência no setor de segurança eletrônica, a Zhigomart possui mais de 10 anos de experiência na instalação e suporte aos sistemas de monitoramento de imagens, rastreamento veicular e portaria remota, dentre outros serviços. A Empresa possui um quadro de técnicos qualificados para suporte às empresas em todo o País.


Kz 4000


Number of Pages: 6 to 10

Website SEO Analysis

Project Manager

SEO: Site Structure


Custom Design

Contact Form

On-website SEO

Custom Homepage

Blog Page

Responsive Design


Site Backup & Security

SSL Certification

Speed Optimization

Google Analytics Setup

Ongoing Support

Delivery Time: 3 weeks


What Our Client’s Say

Our personalized video should be here

Best for you

How To Maximize Your Chance Of Success?

Choose the plan which suits you the best. You can ask our support for help.

Our expert team takes over from here. We will contact you after receiving your order.

Place the order after selecting a plan. You can add project details after the checkout.

We will fulfill your order and will work on revision till the end of the order.

Innovative Design Elements Incorporated for Every Web Page.

UI/UX Rich Design

Our award-winning designers will tackle your project with years of experience and expertise. We always stay up-to-date on industry trends and best practices.

Responsive Website

Your project will have an account representative, project manager, designers, developers, and digital marketing pros. Each team member provides an important role in your site.

Support And Maintenance

We’re in this for the long haul and look at your project as a lifecycle, not a one-time thing. Our dedicated team is standing by, ready to answer your questions quickly and efficiently.

Site's Contents

We create content (Written pieces and images) related to promoting the brand message towards your audience. This includes scheduling posts and managing Ads on social media platforms.

Frequently Asked Questions

AWe work closely with you to determine the best keywords to rank. This approach will generate new leads and loyal customers.

We will then work with you on a strategy and timeline.

ADepending on how competitive your keywords are, your campaign could return investment anywhere between 4 months and a year. This timeline will consider the age of your domain, your current rankings, any previous SEO activity, how competitive your keywords are and the scope of work required to rank.
AYou can expect a noticeable increase in search visibility for keywords related to your desired area. We cannot give an exact timescale for these results and the variables differ hugely between clients, however we strive to bring measurable results in 3-6 months.
AYes! We’re happy to transfer and take over management of an existing SEO campaign. In fact, many of our existing clients have come to us during an existing campaign with a look to change the direction of their activity, or simply to improve the results they’re seeing.

AWe work closely with you to determine the best keywords to rank. This approach will generate new leads and loyal customers.

We will then work with you on a strategy and timeline.

ADepending on how competitive your keywords are, your campaign could return investment anywhere between 4 months and a year. This timeline will consider the age of your domain, your current rankings, any previous SEO activity, how competitive your keywords are and the scope of work required to rank.
AYou can expect a noticeable increase in search visibility for keywords related to your desired area. We cannot give an exact timescale for these results and the variables differ hugely between clients, however we strive to bring measurable results in 3-6 months.
AYes! We’re happy to transfer and take over management of an existing SEO campaign. In fact, many of our existing clients have come to us during an existing campaign with a look to change the direction of their activity, or simply to improve the results they’re seeing.